Hierarchical, Scrollable Javascript Checkbox List
I needed a way to present the user with a hierarchical list of categories in an ASP.Net application. I also needed the code to be light-weight and the...
I needed a way to present the user with a hierarchical list of categories in an ASP.Net application. I also needed the code to be light-weight and the...
One of my dedicated servers at PowerDNN is running 64–bit Windows 2003 Server. Recently I had to get an app that was ASP.Net 1.1–dependent to run on this box. No...
DotNetNuke forums user odontech has posted an excellent collection of DNN-related links which I am reproducing here: DotNetNuke Factoid Community · A community of over 300,000 members...
Several of you tried the tip in Speeding-up DNN Module Development and emailed to report that this does work, but on occasion, the assemblies in the private assembly folder are...
On the DotNetNuke forums today, jstemper posed a question about how to speed up DNN development, specifically, the delay caused by app re-start when a module is recompiled....
Starting with DotNetNuke v3.3/4.3, all dependencies on the Microsoft MemberRole assembly were removed. DotNetNuke includes a Role Provider, a Profile Provider and a Member Provider that works directly...
I have had several emails from people inquiring whether I would be releasing a My Modules version for DNN4. The answer is "Yes." I'm trying to decide if...
After coming up blank on a robust tagging API for ASP.Net apps, and wanting to incorporate this functionality into new versions of most Speerio products, I decided to...
Umair could not have made a more timely post about Yahoo’s lack of innovation. He discusses Yahoo’s “hyperimitation” and how it never really improves anything in any meaningful...
Like many other ASP.Net developers, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the final VS.Net 2005, SQL 2005 and ASP.Net 2 bits off the MSDN site. This past...