I was pleasantly surprised to learn today that I have been awarded Microsoft MVP status. I feel quite honored and will continue to do as much as I...
I was pleasantly surprised to learn today that I have been awarded Microsoft MVP status. I feel quite honored and will continue to do as much as I...
The IE7 toolbar has an RSS icon that is ordinarily grayed-out, but lights up when visiting certain web pages. Clicking the icon displays a list of feeds available...
Sometimes, it is necessary to override stylesheets defined on a page or to add additional stylesheets, perhaps for different media. The script below defines a JS object that...
Frequently, you will have a situation where you store the string representation of an enumerated value in a file or database, and when it is retrieved you have...
A new research study by Optaros, Inc. highlights a growing increase in the adoption rate of Open Source at corporations. Read the story here.
Multi-column CSS layouts are always challenging thanks to the many browser quirks and variations in adherence to standards. Most designers who venture into this territory inevitably spend hours...
Discovered something quite by accident today. If you use an embedded file in a VS.Net project and have the filename in the format [basename].[locale].[extension] (example: MyInfo.en-US.xml), VS.Net automatically...
What a difference 1Gb makes! I finally got around to upgrading the memory on my notebook to 2Gb and things sure are faster. Now I can finally start...
After coming up blank on a robust tagging API for ASP.Net apps, and wanting to incorporate this functionality into new versions of most Speerio products, I decided to...
If you do any file processing, you will inevitably find yourself writing recursive code to traverse a directory structure. If you have a directory structure that is broad...