Explore the Taj Mahal
This site provides a fair amount of information and movies of the famous Taj Mahal. http://www.taj-mahal.net/augEng/main_screen.htm
This site provides a fair amount of information and movies of the famous Taj Mahal. http://www.taj-mahal.net/augEng/main_screen.htm
The Apollo moon landing high-res pictures have been stitched into QuickTime VR movies. http://www.panoramas.dk/fullscreen3/f29.html
Google is making a strong play into the mapping area. First, there was the acquisition of Keyhole, which I must confess, is mind blowingly cool. I have spent...
Today has been frustrating. I have been looking for a decent component that can accept a URL and generate a PDF. There are many available, but they all...
If you work with a lot of RegEx expressions in .Net, here are two excellent resources: RegEx Designer: http://www.gotdotnet.com/workspaces/workspace.aspx?id=01e0dfb7-0182-45cd-94f7-2ed2df2504a9 Regular-Expressions site: http://www.regular-expressions.info/dotnet.html
Got my attention with the helpful tips for customizing the VS.Net environment: http://www.sellsbrothers.com/spout/default.aspx?content=archive.htm#vs.netfunfacts
If you have nested ASP.Net applications, any HttpModules defined in the web.config of parent apps propogate down to the children. This can be desirable in some situations, but...
I have done quite a bit of research into online photo albums and somehow seemed to have missed one (my excuse: it's in beta). Check out Flickr. I...
Although WinXP does not support more than one active virtual website, it allows you to define as many as you want. Here is a nice utility http://www.firstserved.net/services/iisadmin.php that...
The only good things I can say about Gmail are that (a) the search is excellent, and (b) it prompted other mail providers to up their disk space.I...