Test Harness for DNN ISearchable
Testing an implementation of the DNN ISearchable interface implementation for a module can be time-consuming and slow if you rely on the DNN search engine indexer to run and...
Testing an implementation of the DNN ISearchable interface implementation for a module can be time-consuming and slow if you rely on the DNN search engine indexer to run and...
Wouldn't you know it...I post a spoof about Web 2.0 Design Guidelines and the very next day discover a site that dynamically generates Web 2.0 logos. Here's the...
Note to startups -- When coming-up with marketing language for your site, pay attention or you will end-up with self-fulfilling prophecies. "Kiko is a great, dead simple calendar"...
On the DotNetNuke forums today, jstemper posed a question about how to speed up DNN development, specifically, the delay caused by app re-start when a module is recompiled....
If you want your website to be Web 2.0–worthy, there are some guidelines you can/should follow to ensure that your site visitors will instantly develop an appreciation for...
If you create enough DotNetNuke modules, you will soon notice that you repeat code to retrieve and store settings. I got fed-up with this and wrote a common...
Microsoft’s announcement yesterday of the free XNA Game Studio Express will bring about huge changes in XBox game development. Now, any teen with time to spare (ummm…that would be...
Starting with DotNetNuke v3.3/4.3, all dependencies on the Microsoft MemberRole assembly were removed. DotNetNuke includes a Role Provider, a Profile Provider and a Member Provider that works directly...