CoderDojo “Interactive Web” Session 5
After a whirlwind five weeks, last night was the last session of the CoderDojo “Interactive Web” series of classes. The sustained effort of developing the content for each class was exhausting, but it was all worth it; seeing the ~60 boys and girls see their browsers come alive with their own code was a joy to behold. I am not quite sure how (miracle, maybe?) that I managed to complete teaching all the material I had planned in these five weeks. We went from rudimentary knowledge of HTML to a fully functional, single page web app featuring Bootstrap, jQuery, Parse, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet and FontAwesome. The gist of the app is to present the user with a web form to which they can add some data including geolocation. This data is saved to Parse and then displayed on a map as interactive, animated markers.
You can see the finished app here Click the “Remix” button at top right to fork the code and create your own version of the app.