Module Print Widget for DotNetNuke
If you are like me and want your websites to have a clean, unblemished look, then most likely you have either turned off the Print functionality in your DotNetNuke module settings or just use containers that don’t display the icon. While this does make the site look cleaner, it also takes away the functionality. I gave this some thought and concluded that a Widget would be a great way to provide the functionality for printing the content of modules on a page. I envisioned a selector that the user would click on that would allow them to print the content for a single module. A skin designer could embed the Widget directly into the skin, or a site administrator could selectively add it to pages using an HTML module.

A couple hours of hacking later I present to you the ModulePrintWidget for DotNetNuke. It’s simple and easy to use. When added to a page, it creates a drop-down list of each module on the page. A user can select a module from the list to see a preview, then click a Print icon to print the contents of that module. Here’s a short 45-second YouTube video that demonstrates the Widget in action: TechBubble ModulePrintWidget
You can download the Widget package at the link below (install as Superuser from the Extensions page):
[download id=”3″]
You can also see a live demo of the ModulePrintWidget.
To use the Widget, add the following HTML so that it appears once on a page. You can add the markup anywhere that HTML is supported (module, skin, skin object, container):
<object id="MyWidget" codetype="dotnetnuke/client" codebase="TechBubble.Widgets.ModulePrintWidget"></object>
If you want to customize the appearance and language, use the optional parameters:
<object id="MyWidget" codetype="dotnetnuke/client" codebase="TechBubble.Widgets.ModulePrintWidget">
<param name="selectorCssClass" value="Class-to-style-dropdown" />
<param name="selectText" value="Default-text-for-dropdown" />
It does not work for not logged in users.....